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March 28, 2023

Listing Status Definitions

  • Active: An active listing is one that is available for showings.  If it a listing is unavailable for showings for more than 24 hours, the listing status should be TNAS until the listing is available within 24 hours.
  • Pending: A listing is pending when a purchase agreement has been signed by both parties and the seller has authorized the listing broker to withdraw said property from the market.
  • TNAS: A listing that is temporarily not available for showing is one where a listing contract still exists but the listing is off the market for a time.  There should be no marketing and no showings while in this status. Using TNAS avoids wasting agent time and frustrating buyers who want to see a property that is not available.
  • Cancelled: A cancelled listing is one where there is no longer a listing agreement in affect.  The seller and the broker must sign a cancellation.
  • Coming Soon:  A Coming Soon listing status indicates the property is being prepared for sale but is not ready for showing.  Listings in Coming Soon status may not be shown until the listing is in Active statues.  Listings in a Coming Soon status must upload a completed and signed Coming Soon Listing Authorization Form.
  • Closed:   A closed listing is one where the sale is complete and title has transferred.
  • Comp Sold: Properties that are sold without having a listing agreement may be entered into the MLS as a comp-sold after the transaction has closed.  The buyer must sign a listing input form.
  • For any status change, there must be a seller’s signature on the approved RMLS change form.
  • Withheld A listing that is under contract, but the sellers have requested the property not be added to the MLS. Withheld listings must be uploaded to the system within two (2) business days along with the Withhold Form. Withheld listings are not visible to NorthstarMLS members or the public. Listings entered in a withheld status will remain in that status until the listing agreement is manually moved to coming soon, active status, or is cancelled or expires automatically on the expiration date.
  • NOTE 1: If a listing agreement extension is signed, the expiration date on the withheld must be changed prior to the expiration date. *The listing will be deleted on expiration and cannot be retrieved.
  • NOTE 2: No public marketing is allowed on Withheld listings. For further information on public marketing and the Clear Cooperation Policy Click Here.

NOTE: Section 3.8 CHANGE OF STATUS OF LISTING: Participants are required to notify the Service immediately of any change in the property status, including cancellation, pending sale contract (in accordance with sections 4.7 and 4.8), cancellation of pending sale, closed sale, change in price or terms or withdrawal from market. Changes must be loaded into the computer or reported by change form to the Service within two business days (excepting weekends and state or federal holidays) after change is received by the Participant. Documentation of changes must be retained by the Participant and made available to the Service upon request.

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Selling Agent/Co-Selling Agent on MLS


PDOM- Days on Market at Most Recent List Price


DOM - Days on Market
