DOM – Days on Market
February 21, 2025
Days on Market (DOM) is available on various displays and reports in the MLS systems. The purpose is to give the number of days in Active status on NorthstarMLS for a specific listing/MLS number.
- DOM reflects the total days on market under its current MLS number.
- If the property is relisted under a new MLS number, DOM resets regardless of whether the property sold.
- Time in TNAS or Pending statuses or Withheld from the MLS listings, does not count toward DOM.
- A listing with a Construction Status of “Completed New Construction” will not include in its Days on Market: days spent in the “To-Be- Built/Floor Plan,” “Under Construction/Spec Home” or “Model” Construction Statuses. Changing from one of these to “Completed New Construction” within the same MLS listing (MLS number) resets the DOM. For example, if you have an “Under Construction” listing with 100 days on market and then change the Construction Status to “Completed New Construction,” the days on market will reset from 100 back to 1 (this occurs the next day after overnight processing).
- DOM is available in the Broker Reciprocity data feeds for display on agent/broker participant websites.
If you have any questions, contact the Help Desk at
or 651-251-5456 (1-877-251-5455).
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