Coming Soon Listing Status
September 24, 2023
Coming Soon Listing Status

The Coming Soon Status allows you to pre-market your listing through the MLS for a limited time until it is ready for showings.
Before you set a listing to Coming Soon Status, please ensure you are educated on how it works and its proper use. We have these materials to help you:
Status Comparison Chart (Coming Soon, Withhold, TNAS and Active)
Coming Soon Authorization Form (Seller signature required, also available in Instanet Forms)
Understand your fiduciary responsibilities, informed consent and antitrust/fair housing laws (a 2016 MAR news article)
Learn more about Coming Soon’s by watching the quick video below!
A quick glance at the highlights of Coming Soon status:
Property cannot be shown while in Coming Soon status ($1,000 fine for violation).
Listing is viewable on Matrix by all agents and can be shared with their clients via email, print and the Client Portal.
Broker/Agent IDX websites will receive Coming Soon listings in their data feed and may choose to display them.
Non-IDX third party websites will not receive Coming Soon listings in their broker-directed data feeds, though agent/broker may add them there themselves.
Requires a seller-signed Coming Soon Authorization form (available in Instanet) be uploaded with the listing.
Listing may remain in Coming Soon status for no more than 21 days, after which it will automatically convert to Active status (or sooner, depending on the Availability Date you set in our Add/Edit system).
Market time does not accrue while in Coming Soon status. The list date displayed on the listing will remain the date that the listing was available in Coming Soon status, but the days in Coming Soon status will not count in the DOM or CDOM calculations.
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