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CDOM – Cumulative Days on Market

February 21, 2025

Cumulative Days on Market

Cumulative Days on Market (CDOM), is available on the various displays and reports in MLS systems. The purpose is to give a more complete picture of the property’s time on market. Details about CDOM are:

  • CDOM reflects the total days on market for that address with the current owner based on listings Active during the past 12 months, including periods on market before a Cancellation or Expiration (independent of how many different MLS numbers or Listing Agents/Offices it has had). If the property entered Closed or Comp Sold status during that period (thereby changing owners), the market time before that sale would not count toward CDOM. A property can have more than 365 days CDOM if there was any Active period during the past 12 months that goes back beyond the one-year point.
  • If a property moves to Closed status, CDOM starts over the next time it is listed.
  • Time in TNAS or Pending Statuses or Withheld from the MLS listings does not count toward CDOM.
  • New Construction listings will not include in its CDOM, days spent in the Lots & Land property type or the “To-Be-Built/Floor Plan,” “Under Construction/Spec Home” or “Model” Construction Statuses.
  • CDOM does not appear on any listing in the Lots & Land property type.
  • In the MLS systems, the Listing History tab may be clicked to open a view with the history of the property’s status and price changes.
  • The regular Days on Market (DOM) figure still appears on the displays/reports and measures only the Days on Market for that MLS number.
  • CDOM is available in the Broker Reciprocity data feeds for display on agent/broker participant websites.


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Selling Agent/Co-Selling Agent on MLS


PDOM- Days on Market at Most Recent List Price


DOM - Days on Market
