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You Asked and We Delivered: Manufactured Homes on Leased Land Can Now be Listed in NorthstarMLS

May 16, 2024

We received several requests to allow manufactured homes on leased land for sale in the MLS. With a lot of research and help from a great task force that included subscribers, association staff and broker members, we are happy to announce manufactured homes on leased land can now be listed for sale in NorthstarMLS!

How to List Manufactured Homes on Leased Land

So how does it work? Here are the steps you must take:

  1. Get approval from your broker first. Brokers still have the right to not take listings for manufactured homes on leased land. Be sure to ask your broker and make sure they are ok with you listing the property before creating any MLS listing for it.
  2. In Add/Edit, select the Manufactured Yes/No field. When creating the listing you will need to select this field when entering the manufactured home.

When Yes is selected, Land Leased is required. If the land is not real estate for sale (leased), you must select Monthly in this field.

Picture of the Land Leased option in Add/Edit listing.

There is an option (not a required field) to add the lease amount.

Get to Know Your State Policies

NorthstarMLS does not monitor state policies for selling manufactured homes on leased land. It is important, however, to understand the different requirements for listing and selling manufactured homes, just like you would for any other legal requirements affecting their agents.

That said, here’s some information that might help:

  • In Minnesota there are policies and regulations regarding listing manufactured homes on leased land. More information about it can be found here.
  • For Wisconsin, requirements for selling manufactured homes are administered by the Real Estate Examining Board (REEB).

Avoiding Late Listing Penalties

As we roll out this new capability, we realize that you may have a manufactured home on leased land listing that is past the two-day window requirement for adding listings to the MLS.

You can still add the listing to the MLS now without penalty, but our system may flag it as a late listing. To help mitigate this issue, please email the MLS number to us at so we can close it out in the system.

Adding Manufactured Homes on Leased Land Listings to Other MLS Systems

Subscribers who want to add these listings to other nearby MLSs will want to check with those MLSs to see if it can be added to their systems. Remember, if the MLS is in another state, you must also hold a valid real estate license in that state to post the listing.

Have Questions?

We expect to have more information about adding MLS listings for manufactured homes on leased land available soon. For now, review this article from the Resources section or contact the NorthstarMLS Rules & Regs team at

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